Monday 11 November 2013

Focus notes

Channel             Light         colour              Focus

1                                                Fresnel                    Straw                135 degrees, facing out wards in order to create an overall cover.

1                                                Fresnel                    straw              45 degrees facing the opposite way outwards to create an overall cover.

1                                                      profile                 nil                 90 degrees facing straight on, gobo holder and forest gobo.

2                                                Fresnel           dark green yellow      135 degrees facing forwards

2                                                Fresnel               dark straw                    central facing straight on

2                                                     Fresnel         dark green yellow       45 degrees facing slightly outwards

3                                                    fresnel                   moss green         135 degrees, facing inwards forwards

3                                                    Fresnel                  deep straw           90 degrees central facing straight on

3                                               Fresnel                 moss green                 45 degrees facing outwards

4                                                    Fresnel                    Fern green                  135 degrees, facing opposite way as back light

4                                              Fresnel                    Dark green yellow    90 degrees, central facing backwards

4                                                  fresnel               Fern green                   45 degrees, facing backwards to the other lighting

floor                                        LED  x8                         green                           facing up the curtain


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